Your Guidebook will be sent to your email.
Waking up exhausted because your mind never stops?
Your stomach is tight and your breathing often shallow?
Never sure of the best way forward?
Desperate for a break, yet you can't shake the guilt when you try to rest?
Can't keep your thoughts straight out of fear of forgetting something?
Waking up exhausted because your mind never stops?
Your stomach is tight and your breathing often shallow?
Never sure of the best way forward?
Desperate for a break, yet you can't shake the guilt when you try to rest?
Can't keep your thoughts straight out of fear of forgetting something?
Your Fire
21 Days to ignite the spark you lost!
Your Peace
21 Days to navigating your life with inner peace!
Your Freedom
21 Days to the freedom to choose the way forward!
Restoring Your Feminine Flow!
A clear
A relaxed
Feeling purposeful
and aligned
An intentional
A receptive
A peaceful
21 consecutive days of daily accountability, inspiration and teachings
dropped into your inbox and private portal every morning including:
21 Days of Audio and/or Video Teachings Dropped Into Your Inbox
Your Own Personalized Membership Portal for Instant Access to ALL of Your Content at Anytime!
Transcripts of the Audio and/or Video Teachings
Have Amy as Your Private Mentor Right in Your Living Room!
Learn the Pleasure Path of Pacing & Prosperity vs. Pushing & Producing
Exclusive access to our Facebook Group
Bonus audio meditations that you can listen to at any time!
Daily affirmations to nourish your soul
Bonus video teachings
Tips to keep you present and connected throughout your day and so many more special surprises!
Day 1: Open vs. Closed
Day 2: Being vs. Doing
Day 3: Relaxed vs. Tense
Day 4: Heart vs. Head
Day 5: Let it Flow
Day 6: Aligned with Soul
Day 7: The Journey Back Home
Day 8: Rise Up, My Sister
Day 9: Light Your Fires
Day 10: Set Your Vows
Day 11: Amy's Vows
Day 12: Heart of Vulnerability
Day 13: Nourishing your Soul w/Soul
Day 14: Come Home to your Magic
Day 15: Sit Back, Relax & Receive
Day 16: Co-Creating your Life by Design
Day 17: Inner Peace
Day 18: Breaking Up with the Mean Girl
Day 19: Tending to your Garden
Day 20: Nourishing your Soul
Day 21: Appreciation
Day 1: Open vs. Closed
Day 2: Being vs. Doing
Day 3: Relaxed vs. Tense
Day 4: Heart vs. Head
Day 5: Let it Flow
Day 6: Aligned with Soul
Day 7: The Journey Back Home
Day 8: Rise Up, My Sister
Day 9: Light Your Fires
Day 10: Set Your Vows
Day 11: Amy's Vows
Day 12: Heart of Vulnerability
Day 13: Nourishing your Soul w/Soul
Day 14: Come Home to your Magic
Day 15: Sit Back, Relax & Receive
Day 16: Co-Creating your Life by Design
Day 17: Inner Peace
Day 18: Breaking Up with the Mean Girl
Day 19: Tending to your Garden
Day 20: Nourishing your Soul
Day 21: Appreciation
Exhaustion and burnout, overworking and overgiving is overrated.
These overrated realities are the #1 reason we feel disconnected, dissatisfied, doubtful and depleted.
Our current way of living doesn't feel good.
Women don’t crave running ourselves into the ground, grinding and pushing to reach every finish line and milestone, driven to exhaustion by a goal-oriented life.
We crave living a purposeful life. A life full of meaning and connection. A life aligned with our heart’s truth.
A life where our influence can be felt in the lives around us because we are happy and nourished from the inside out.
It's Time
to Relax
into your Feminine
To become the female role models we didn't have.
To teach ourselves & other women the feminine way of flow that allows us to flourish effortlessly in all areas of our life.
NOW is the time to see and feel possibility, love, and opportunity in all of our days.
We deserve to feel excited, supported and centered in all we bring to life on this planet.
And we deserve to experience it EVERY day…
Starting NOW.
"We need to break the cycle of burnout.
We need to break the cycle NOW.
If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?"
- Amy Cheryl
Jennifer Mount
My life has been enriched with gaining clarity on my purpose and accessing my creativity, productivity, and efficiency with ease. My spirit soars with fulfillment, inspiration, and motivation. I have chosen Amy as one of “my” teachers who I will follow for a long time to come.
Zoe Solnantzin
Amy has more than taught me the miracle of self-love and feminine power, she has planted that seed in me where it continues to grow. Amy is a modern day medicine woman, capable of seeing beyond the stories our minds create and showing us the truth of how beautiful and magical we really are.
Kelly Hurley
Working with Amy has given me more confidence in my decision as a woman than I ever thought possible. Amy has a gift of shining a light on what is the best in us. I call her the “Great Reminder” because she is here to reawaken our inner power and feminine magic that is lying dormant waiting to be unleashed.
Kimeiko Rae
Knowing that I have Amy in my corner helps me to allow myself to be, experience and celebrate myself as a woman…my sincere wish is that you treat yourself with patience and kindness with a mentor who will do the same.
Jennifer Mount
My life has been enriched with gaining clarity on my purpose and accessing my creativity, productivity, and efficiency with ease. My spirit soars with fulfillment, inspiration, and motivation. I have chosen Amy as one of “my” teachers who I will follow for a long time to come.
Zoe Solnantzin
Amy has more than taught me the miracle of self-love and feminine power, she has planted that seed in me where it continues to grow. Amy is a modern day medicine woman, capable of seeing beyond the stories our minds create and showing us the truth of how beautiful and magical we really are.
Kimeiko Rae
Working with Amy has given me more confidence in my decision as a woman than I ever thought possible. Amy has a gift of shining a light on what is the best in us. I call her the “Great Reminder” because she is here to reawaken our inner power and feminine magic that is lying dormant waiting to be unleashed.
Today's Discounted
One Time Payment
JMF 21-Day Journey
Pay in
Three Monthly Payments
JMF 21-Day Journey
One payment today, and the other two will be billed once per month for two months
All of Amy’s work is divinely downloaded to her which means that it can't be found anywhere else because there is no other Amy that exists on this planet!
There are signature teachings here that are unique to WWA. The JMF program offers never before seen content, customized journal prompts, etc.
The content is delivered to you daily in your email inbox.
In addition, you will have your own customized membership portal that with an easy click of a button, you can access anything from the program at any time .
For each module there are audio downloads, occasional video downloads, transcripts, PDF worksheets and art. You can listen and/or read at your own leisure.
The course materials will be delivered into your inbox each day for 21 consecutive days.
The intention is to stay engaged with the teachings and practices each day for these 21 days to lay the foundation in living your life from your feminine nature by design.
And you can pace it out at your own timing if needed.
You have Lifetime Access!
The materials will be yours to hold on to for foreva!
That’s the point. There is NO catch. It’s an offering from Amy’s heart to re-awaken your soul back to your true nature. We wanted nothing to get in the way of that, where it’s the easiest yes!
Due to the digital nature of this product, this purchase is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Yes! This course is for all women, all levels, whether you’re new to womens work and spiritual self development, or whether you’ve been on this path for years. All ages welcome.
Yes! What a great and silly question. And I say this with love, honey. C’mon sista, if you’ve gotten this far down on the page, your soul knows that there is something here for you…
That our growth is unlimited and that we always get exactly what we need in our continuing of our re-aligning, refining, and redesigning our feminine nature by design.
Amy Cheryl, Intuitive Guide and Creatrix of Women’s Worth Academy™, has been a successful entrepreneur for over 20 years.
Specializing in women’s work, she is passionate about empowering women to break free from the exhausting pressure & judgment of today’s cultural norms to be their own authority and build the life they’ve always wanted: rich in confidence, healing, peace, fulfilling relationships, and success.
For over 20 years, Amy has been in deep study of Spiritual Ascension and healing, journeying alongside key teachers that have been gateways of learning in Polarity Energetic Healing Arts Therapy, Ancestral healing, ancient feminine wisdom, and so much more, gaining the vast knowledge that offers profound transformations in others.
In doing so, she has honed in on utilizing her Intuitive skills as a master facilitator in the empowerment of countless women around the world Into their true feminine power.
Amy’s vast scope of knowledge sets her apart, as she is exceptionally gifted in the teachings of boundary work, intuitive guidance, spiritual healing, and relationships. As a master facilitator, Amy offers clients the essential education and skill sets needed to be confident leaders. She has helped fellow female entrepreneurs across the globe successfully scale their businesses, guiding them to become influential facilitators, coaches, and mentors.
Known for her bright energy and shining heart, Amy is a widely sought-after speaker and workshop leader who knows how to light up a stage with her effervescent personality and wisdom. She has been invited to speaking gigs all over the US and Dubai and has shared the stage with global leaders such as Marianne Williamson. In addition, Amy has had multiple publications, including SHAPE and SELF-magazine, Daily Candy, and Vital Juice Daily, to name a few.
Amy knows how to bring people together in community and bring them deeper into their truths so they can live a fully expressed and abundant life.
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program and its potential. By purchasing, you understand that the materials provided in this program are offered in support of your own self-development. Women’s Worth Academy™ is in no way responsible for your well-being, as the journey of self growth is a personal one. The potential of growth and transformation as a result of taking this program is entirely dependent on the efforts and skills of the person applying any and all parts of the teachings covered in the course materials.
The successful completion of this Program does not constitute professional training, and does not entitle you to teach, lead, coach, sell, or otherwise use this material with others in any way. All materials used in this Program are confidential and proprietary in nature.
©Safe to Shine Inc.